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Expert Spotlight

Faculty Spotlight: Kathleen M. Sutcliffe

Get to know Kathleen M. Sutcliffe, a Bloomberg Distinguished Professor with appointments in the Carey Business School, the School of Medicine (Anesthesia and Critical Care Medicine), the School of Nursing, the Bloomberg School of Public Health, and the Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality. She earned her PhD in Business Administration with a focus on organizational behavior and theory from the University of Texas at Austin.

AI in Healthcare Is Here, But Uptake Is Slow

For many years, there has been a collective excitement about using artificial intelligence in healthcare delivery. Still, AI technology is often talked about as if it is science fiction and the future of healthcare. Despite the FDA's approval of more than 500 medical AI systems by July 2022, many experts question if AI is a reality in the medical arena, or if it remains far in the future—and how to overcome the obstacles to adopting the new technologies?