Are you committed to supporting your colleagues in the development of interdisciplinary research on the business of health? Are you open to meeting and collaborating with researchers at JHU you don't know? We invite you to join our work-in-progress (WIP) seminar series, at the heart of HBHI’s mission to promote a healthier America.
Contact Us
Check out our Spring 2025 lineup of speakers:
Feb 7th: Jeffrey Drope and Seth Richards-Shubik
Apr 4th: Enid Chung Roemer and Antonio Trujillo
May 2nd: Ben Thornburg and Zhang Zhang
If you are interested in being added to the schedule for Fall '25 or joining the listserv, please contact Michael Darden and [email protected]
We invite you to join our work-in-progress (WIP) seminar series, at the heart of HBHI’s mission to promote a healthier America.
First Fridays of the month
12 to 1 p.m. ET via Zoom
HBHI Work-in-Progress (WIP) is a forum for supporting early-stage research on HBHI topics as a Hopkins community of scholars from multiple disciplines across Carey, Bloomberg, Medicine, Nursing, Krieger, and Engineering. We encourage you to attend the WIP series regularly to support emerging scholarships and to learn about the exciting business of health research occurring across campus.