Jeromie Ballreich, PhD, MHS
Associate Scientist, Department of Health Policy and Management
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Dr. Ballreich is a health economist specializing in three main areas: pharmaceutical economics and policy; economic evaluations alongside clinical studies; and high-cost/high-needs patient populations with a focus on trauma. In the pharmaceutical economics and policy space, Dr. Ballreich has been involved in a number of major U.S. policy discussions with key stakeholders including Congress, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services, and industry. He has conducted several economic evaluations ranging from cancer medications to pediatric audiology screening. His work on high-cost/high needs patients builds up on his health economics training and personal perspective as a quadriplegic. His peer-reviewed work has been published in New England Journal of Medicine, JAMA, American Journal of Managed Care, and other academic journals. He has been an invited workshop participant and presenter at the National Academy of Medicine, International Society of Pharmacoeconmics and Outcomes Research annual meeting, and other professional societies.
His work is currently split the Johns Hopkins Drug Access and Affordability Initiative (JHDAAI) and the directorship of the Masters in Health Economics and Outcomes Research program at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.