Overlap In Carriers And Networks In Medicaid And The Individual Marketplaces
Mark Meiselbach, Jeffrey Marr, Jianhui (Frank) Xu, Henry Maurice Larm Larweh
As people lose Medicaid because of the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency, many states will route former Medicaid managed care enrollees into Affordable Care Act Marketplace coverage with the same carrier. In 2021, 52.1 percent of Medicaid managed care enrollees were enrolled by a carrier that also had a plan on the Marketplace in the same county.
Meiselbach MK, Larm Larweh HM, Marr J, Xu J. Overlap In Carriers And Networks In Medicaid And The Individual Marketplaces. Health Aff (Millwood). 2024 Jul;43(7):1032-1037. doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.2023.00840. PMID: 38950299.