HBHI Faculty Receive Seven Nexus Awards
The Nexus Awards are a universitywide initiative launched in 2023 to support convening, research, and teaching anchored at the new Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg Center in Washington, D.C.
Forty endeavors have been selected to receive funding from the university's Nexus Awards Program over the next year, and of these 40, seven projects are led by HBHI’s own affiliates and faculty members (see full list below).
Of particular note is the award for HBHI convenings related to the future of health care delivery, led by HBHI Policy Director Melinda Buntin, HBHI Director of Research Matthew Eisenberg, and HBHI Director Dan Polsky. This award of $100,000 will facilitate multiple opportunities to bring national stakeholders together to advance quality and value.
"I am delighted to see multiple cross-sector projects from affiliates in our initiative represented in this prestigious group," HBHI director Dan Polsky said. "Our work with the Bloomberg Center is already proving to be a highly strategic asset as the Hopkins Business of Health Initiative collectively pursues a more affordable, equitable, high-value health system for all Americans.”
HBHI’s Nexus Awards recipients for 2024
In the Covening category–Funding for the development and execution of an academic or policy-focused conference or a series of conferences on any topic.
The Future of Health Care Delivery: Melinda Buntin (BSPH), Daniel Polsky (BSPH), Matthew Eisenberg (BSPH)
A New Policy Agenda to Address Mental Health and Addiction in the U.S.: Matthew Eisenberg (BSPH), Elizabeth Stuart (BSPH), Brendan Saloner (BSPH), Alene Kennedy-Hendricks (BSPH), Mark Meiselbach (BSPH), Catherine Ettman (BSPH)
In the Research category–Projects focusing on either a new area of collaborative work or an expansion of an ongoing area of collaborative work in fundamental, clinical, or applied research
AI-Powered Strategies to Address Inequities in Deaths of Despair: A Series of Translational Workshops: Emily Haroz (BSPH), Roland Thorpe (BSPH), Alexis Battle (WSE), Kadija Ferryman (Berman), Keshia Pollack Porter (BSPH), Matthew Eisenberg (BSPH), Roy Adams (SOM), Gordan Gao (CBS), Anjalie Field (WSE)
Elevating Evidence-Based Medicaid Home-and Community-Based Long-Term Services and Supports: A Compendium of Policies: Katherine Miller (BSPH), Maya Rockeymoore Cummings (BSPH), Chanee Fabius (BSPH), Karen Shen (BSPH), Jennifer Wolff (BSPH), Melinda Buntin (BSPH), Kali Thomas (SON), Cynthia Boyd (SOM)
The Johns Hopkins Drug Supply Chain Data Dashboard: Improving Data Transparency and Increasing Resiliency in the U.S. Pharmaceutical Supply Chain: Mariana Peixoto Socal (BSPH), Jeromie Ballreich (BSPH), Gerard Anderson (BSPH), Maqbool Dada (CBS), Tinglong Dai (CBS), Jeremy Greene (SOM), Josh Sharfstein (BSPH)
Estimating Unequal Perceptions of Place to Address Housing Inequality in the Baltimore-Washington Region: Michael Bader (KSAS), Filipe Campante (SAIS)
In the Teaching category–Undergraduate or graduate courses or co-curricular opportunities, with a focus on courses that span multiple departments, schools, or divisions
Regulation and Policy's Influence on Investment in Health Care: Emilia Simeonova (CBS), Melinda Buntin (BSPH)
The application period for a new round of funding will open later this year, with proposals due in late February 2025.