Workgroup on Maryland Healthcare Data Hub

Easing Access to Health Care Data
Given that Maryland is on the leading edge of experimentation with hospital payment policy, we will create a Maryland Healthcare Data Hub to facilitate the study of health care delivery transformation in the state. This workgroup's goal is to both obtain and support easy access to two key datasets that provide a comprehensive picture of costs and outcomes for all Maryland patients:
- The Health Services Review Commissions Statewide Inpatient and Outpatient Data (HSCRC Case-Mix)
- The Maryland All-Payer Claims database
These data provide a comprehensive picture of costs and outcomes for all Maryland patients. Unique features of the data include patients from virtually all payers, linkage between case-mix patients across time and facilities, and de-identified facility locations. These features coupled with Maryland’s ongoing role as a CMS/CMMI supported lab for hospital payment policy innovation should enable new grants and research streams from HBHI’s academically diverse membership.
This workgroup has been ongoing since April 2021, but has no routine meeting times.
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