

This study aimed to determine the influence of structural racism, vis-à-vis neighborhood socioeconomic trajectory, on colorectal and breast cancer diagnosis and treatment.

Summary Background Data: 

Inequities in cancer care are well documented in the United States but less is understood about how historical policies like residential redlining and evolving neighborhood characteristics influence current gaps in care.



Loehrer, Andrew P. MD, MPH*,†,‡,§; Weiss, Julie E. MS†; Chatoorgoon, Kaveer K. MD, MPH§; Bello, Oluwaferanmi T. BS*; Diaz, Adrian MD, MPH∥; Carter, Benjamin PhD‡; Akré, Ellesse-Roselee PhD, MA*,‡; Hasson, Rian M. MD, MPH*,†,‡,§; Carlos, Heather A. MS*,†. Residential Redlining, Neighborhood Trajectory, and Equity of Breast and Colorectal Cancer Care. Annals of Surgery ():10.1097/SLA.0000000000006156, November 20, 2023. | DOI: 10.1097/SLA.0000000000006156