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Why Can't Americans Have Better and Cheaper Health Care? Exploring the Innovation Challenge

Why doesn't healthcare in the US improve in quality while becoming more affordable, as we see in other industries? Join us for an enlightening discussion with James (Jim) and Robert (Bob) Rebitzer, authors of "Why Not Better and Cheaper?" We explored the unique challenges of healthcare innovation in the US, discussing why there's a lack of incentives for cost-reducing innovations and the ease of profiting from low-value innovations. The Rebitzers also shared their perspectives on directing healthcare innovation towards more efficient and cost-effective solutions. This is a crucial conversation for anyone interested in the future of American healthcare.

Hopkins Healthcare Business Conference

The Hopkins Healthcare Business Conference is a student produce event aiming to stimulate intellectual engagement, foster active participation, and provide robust networking opportunities for graduate students, academics, and industry leaders. The conference is centered on a commitment to multi-sectoral collaboration to support effective and equitable healthcare innovation. March 7th and 8th