Work-in-Progress: Karen Shen and Brendan Saloner
Community Events
Friday, February 3, 2023
12 - 1 p.m. ET
For Zoom link, send request to [email protected]

Karen Shen, PhD, Assistant Professor, Bloomberg School of Public Health

Brendan Saloner, PhD, Associate Professor, Bloomberg School of Public Health
Work-in-Progress Seminar Series
Are you committed to supporting your colleagues in the development of interdisciplinary research on the business of health? Are you open to meeting and collaborating with researchers at JHU you don't know? We invite you to join our work-in-progress (WIP) seminar series, at the heart of HBHI’s mission to promote a healthier America.
First Fridays @HBHI
12 to 1 p.m. ET via Zoom
Serving as incubator for bold new ideas, the WIP seminar provides an internal forum for Johns Hopkins scholars, both students and faculty to:
Present initial stage research
Receive feedback from an interdisciplinary audience
Explore potential partnerships
By pooling the collective subject matter expertise of Johns Hopkins faculty, the WIP series accelerates and enhances new research.
If you are an HBHI affiliate and interested in presenting in the WIP series, please email Michael Darden. Provide a proposed title for your presentation.
Email [email protected] to be added to the WIP listserv.