Work-in-Progress: Jeffrey Marr and Elizabeth Stuart
Community Events
Friday, December 1, 2023
12 - 1 p.m. ET
For Zoom link, send request to [email protected]

Jeffrey Marr, PhD Candidate
Doctoral Student, Department of Health Policy and Management
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Elizabeth Stuart, PhD
Bloomberg Professor of American Health, Executive Vice Dean for Academic Affairs
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
HBHI Work-in-Progress Seminar
The Hopkins Business of Health Initiative Work-in-Progress (WIP) seminar is a forum for supporting early-stage research on HBHI topics as a Hopkins community of scholars from multiple disciplines across Carey, Bloomberg, Medicine, Nursing, Krieger and Engineering. We encourage you to attend the WIP series regularly to support emerging scholarship and to learn about the exciting business of health research occurring across campus. If you are interested in being added to schedule, please contact Michael Darden.