As cancer continues to be a major cause of mortality globally, innovative diagnostics are crucial to reducing its toll. This webinar will focus on the promise of new cancer diagnostics. We will highlight the latest advancements in early detection methods based on blood tests, MRI scans, and molecular imaging. These technologies hold the potential to identify cancer earlier and with greater precision. However, some of them carry risks, including false positives and the possibility of unnecessary healthcare interventions and costs. These could lead to additional stress for patients and may strain healthcare resources. The webinar will explore these new cancer diagnostics, aiming to provide a balanced view of their impact on patient care and healthcare systems. Discussions will include policy frameworks, funding initiatives, and how businesses can work alongside researchers, healthcare providers, and policymakers to accelerate the development and accessibility of effective life-saving diagnostics.



Paul Billings

Paul Billings, Chief Executive Officer and Director, Biological Dynamics


Jordan Green

Jordan J. Green, Director, Biomaterials and Drug Delivery Laboratory and Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University

Lilja Solnes

Lilja Solnes, Associate Professor and Director of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, Johns Hopkins University (TBC)

John Steuart

John Steuart, Managing Director Steuart Ventures



Mario Macis

Mario Macis, PhD, 

Professor, Johns Hopkins Carey Business School, Berman Institute of Bioethics, and HBHI


Emilia Simeonova

Emilia Simeonova, PhD 

Professor, Johns Hopkins Carey Business School and HBHI



This event is part of a larger series on the 'Conversations on the Business of Health,' which will be one-hour webinars that will engage leaders in business and academia. We will explore questions such as: Should companies invest in their employees’ health? Will artificial intelligence actually advance health? How can business offer healthcare in novel settings?